Let's build something!

I'm Currently Leading the strategic vision and execution of Kohler Co.'s enterprise technology Product Information (PIM) and Digital Asset Managment (DAM 2D/3D) platform services, focusing on driving new business capabilities to accelerate time-to-market for new Product Development and rolling out new services, feature to imrprove access and onboarding for 3rd Party Integrations and Services

Working in the eCommerce industry as a front end developer I naturally gravitated towards Conversion Optimization to aid marketing teams in adding or improving existing marketing funnels. Some of the methods I've used and implemented almost always stemmed from what many commonly describe as Customer Intelligence which is essentially a combination of both qualitative data (user stories) and quantitative data (user event Tracking/Web Analytics)  you can make the most incredible experiences and interfaces that will collect digital dust if the user story is not crystal clear to both the business and the customer. 

When developing and hosting eCommerce applications you learn fast that downtime equals dollars, buggy code, sloppy branding and design execution can kill marketing momentum.  I take an empathetic approach to ensure every line of code I write has a purpose. If you need help building a new site, improving conversions, making sense of your site analytics, or connecting disparate systems for a more modern and sometimes essential distributed system get in touch!

Skills & Technologies I Utilize

This is not an exhaustive list of technologies and tools I use and interface with as certain jobs or projects might require more specific tools or require some uncommon libraries, please feel free to inquire about my experience with a specific language, library, or framework you don't see listed below.


PHP, JavaScript, C#, Bash scripting, CSS, SQL, some C++


Laravel, Vue, WordPress, WooCommerce, Magento 1.x/2.x, Shopify +, iPMC PIM(inRiver), .NET, jQuery, Bootstrap, 

JS & CSS Animation Libraries:

GSAP, ScrollMagic , Swiper (slide show frame work and animations), animate.css to name a few.

Cloud Services, Stacks & Distro's:

       LEMP, LAMP, Ubuntu, CentOS, AWS, Azure, Dell Boomi, NetSuite ERP, 

VCS & Analytics:

       Git, Github, Segment Analytics, Redshift, Google Analytics, Google Data,         Tag Manager, Tableau

Business Platforms & Tools:

Creative Cloud/GIMP, Figma, G Suite, Microsoft Office Suite, Atlassian Cloud (Jira, Service Desk, Confluence)


        Atomic Design, Gitflow, Agile Methodology, well-architected,                              Event Driven Architecture,